Sunday, November 29, 2009


happiness in a nutshell


When you change,
your situation changes.
It is a law.

We all fail. But it is not failing that hurts.

What hurt is knowing that
you didn't give your best.

Have the discipline to do
little things you dont like and you can spend your life

doing the big things you do like.(happy? I havent got time to be happy!)

The moment you get
too attached to things,
you screw it up!

The challange of life
is to appreciate everything
and attached yourself to nothing.

On giving advice:
If people arent asking you,
they usually dont want
the information!

Next time you are upset,
remember its not so much
people who make you angry,
it's your thoughts about them.

Whatever thoughts
are causing you pain,
they are only thoughts.
You can change a thought.

The more emotional
you are about things,
the less control you have.

Life usually becomes more challanging,
but you embark on an outer journey
which starts the inner journey.

Where did we get the idea that
if we dont forgive people, they suffer?

For the world to treat you well,
you have to treat yourself well.

When we forgive ourselves,
we stop criticising other people.

Because we are already attracting
the learning experiences we need,
we often attract what we fear.

If you fear loneliness,
you’ll attract that.
If you fear embarassment,
you’ll fall on your face.

It’s life’s way of encouraging us to grow.
The only way to beat fear is to face it.

Pain is not your enemy.
Pain is your friend!

(If I had known today was going to be
so awful, I would have been happy yesterday!)

Courage is not the abscene of fear -
courage is acting in spite of fear.

People who do nothing
with their lives are just as scared
as people who take major risks.

The happiest people dont worry too much
about where life is fair or not.
They just get on with it.

If you want
more peace of mind,
stop labeling everything
that happens as
”good” or “bad”.

If you think the world
is against you, it is.
Blaming other people
doesnt work.

When you fight life,
life always wins.

The universe is always
nudging as with gentle signals.
When we miss the signals,
it nudges us with a

Growth is most painful
when we resist it.

If there is something
in your life you dont want
stop worrying about it
and stop talking about it.

The energy you put into it
keeps it alive.
Withdraw your energy
and it will likely go away.

Your missiOn in life
is not to be
without problems -
your mission
is to get excited.

What you
focus on expands …
so think about
what you want!

Detachment is a major reason
why rich people get richer.

They dont care so much -
they're not desperate.

Theres a big difference
between a poor persons attitude -

(We all know how serious this is…
–others were just laughing—)

To see things differently,
you dont need willpower,
or brain surgery,
You just need the courage
to think the unfamiliar.

Your beliefs determine
your quality of life.

Your life will only work
when you take full responsibility
for your choices.

Life doesnt have to be
an endless struggle.
Let things flow.
We are not here
to be punished.

We are here
to be educated.

Simplify your life.
Quit doing things out of habit.

Your life is
a perfect reflection
of your beliefs.

When you change
your deepest beliefs
about the world,
your life changes

If peace of mind is your daily goal,
you will get better and better.

Your mission in life
is not to change the world.

Your mission is to change yourself.

There are no “outside” solutions,
only “inside” solutions.

You give your best
not because you need
to impress people.

You give your best because
thats the only way
to enjoy your life.

Fred says:
”I think like I do
because my life is a mess!”
No Fred, your life is a mess
because you think
like you do!

We are here to learn lessons,
and the world is our teacher.

When we fail to learn a lesson,
we get to take it again … and again!

Once we have learned the lesson,
we move on to the next one.

(And we never run out of lessons!)

God is never going to come down
from a cloud and say:
”You now have permission
to be successful!

You have to
give yourself

The question is always:
”What are you doing
with what you have?”

While the answer is “not much”,
nothing gets better.

The universe rewards effort,
not excuses.

Many of us became different people
in order to please everyone else.

Loving people means
giving them the freedom
to be who they choose to be
and where they choose to be.
Love is allowing people to be
in your life out of choice.

When have you made the
most important decision in your life?
When you were on your knees -
after disaster, after knock-backs,
when you have been kickedn the head.
Thats when we say to ourselves:
”Im sick of being broke,
sick of being kicked around.
Im tired of being mediocre.
Im going to do something.”
We learn our biggest lessons
when things get rough

Act as if every event has a purpose,
and your life will have a purpose.

Figure out why you needed
an experience, conquer it,
and you wont need it again.