Friday, July 2, 2010

do you think things are controllabel or uncontrollable by your self?

In 1966, American psychologist Julian Rotter published a paper that introduced the concept known as locus of control. Human beings, according to Rotter, could be divided into two basic groups: those who believed their locus of control was within themselves, and those who see themselves as under the control of forces located outside themselves, such as luck, or fate, or other people whose will cannot be resisted. The first group, called internals, believe that they are the masters of their own destiny; they tend to be high-achievers, optimistic about their ability to improve their lot, and to discard bad habits. They believe in willpower and positive thinking. They are determined to control their own lives, for better or worse. Members of the second group are called externals. They look on themselves as victims of circumstances, the playthings of fate. If they go to bed drunk, light up a cigarette, and burn their house down, they explain the disaster as another instance of their bad luck, and not their poor judgment, much less their bad habits.

so if you were to ask, are you believing to internal locus of control or external? there is a big difference in believing to what your locus of control will be. consider the studies of these two psychologist, would you believe the internal locust of control and be successful and more happy or believed on the extrnal locust of control and blame anyone than yourself? LIFE IS HOW YOU MAKE IT.